K-5 Education

LPC is a church with a heart for children. Let us help you and your children get the most out of your worship time. We are committed to teaching every child the love of Jesus! Our programs are designed to meet your child at their level and foster a lifelong relationship with Christ. Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress those wiggles in God’s house. But if you need a moment to leave the Sanctuary, rocking chairs are available in the nursery or the Lucas Youth Parlor (out the rear doors and down the stairs). Thank you for taking the best care of God’s children!

Child Care

Our nursery is staffed every Sunday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It is a warm and inviting place staffed by caring and compassionate teachers and teen aides. The nursery is appropriate for children from birth through age 5.


WeeKirk is a child-friendly worship experience appropriate for children 4 years through 5th grade.  It is held in the Gruber Family WeeKirk Room or the Nursery following the conclusion of the children’s message during the 10:00 a.m. worship service.  It ends at the same time as the worship service. In WeeKirk, children are encouraged to explore their relationship with God through story, play, and prayer.

Seasonal Children’s Events

  • Christmas Pageant
    The annual Christmas Pageant is a wonderful opportunity for the youth and children to worship God with their time and talents. Our talented kids have presented the message of Christ’s birth from a different perspective each year. All children and teens who have a heart to participate are encouraged to join through song, acting or enthusiasm, and work with our Director of Faith Formation and Minister of Music.
  • Palm Procession and Easter Egg Hunt
    Each Palm Sunday, children and adults are welcome to experience the joy of Christ’s arrival and to usher in Holy week with our annual palm procession. Following worship, children are then invited to celebrate God’s renewing promise of salvation with an indoor Easter Egg Hunt.