Mission & Service

God’s Hands and Feet

We consider ourselves God’s hands and feet in this world, the instruments through which God’s kingdom can be made reality.  To this end, the members of Lakewood Presbyterian Church partner with a broad range of mission programs and organizations through active participation and financial support. We encourage members to become active in the service life of the church and live out their faith in the community. From local and global ministries in need of financial aid, to local opportunities for service, LPC members can commit themselves to a wide variety of missions. We invite you to use the links above to explore the many service options available at LPC.

One Great Hour of Sharing

The annual collection for the One Great Hour of Sharing will be on Palm Sunday, April 1. An envelope was included in the March Open Door and extras will be available in the pew racks through Easter Sunday.

As you know, part of the money goes to fund Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. At the beginning of March there was a series of deadly tornadoes from Ohio through Georgia. Some towns were completely devastated and over thirty people were killed. What you may not know is that money donated in the past through the One Great Hour of Sharing was readily available to offer assistance. In addition, Presbyterian aid workers went into the areas to assess both current and long-term needs which they will try to help fill. Your past generosity made an immediate difference. Please prayerfully consider your contribution this year.

North Presbyterian Church

Every February, several LPC members can be found preparing and serving meals with the Community Meal ministry at North Church in downtown Cleveland.  Both weekday and Sunday meals are included.  Last year our Youth Group was completelty responsible for a Sunday meal.  LPC members also enjoy interacting with the guests.