Youth Education & Activities

LPC is a Beloved Arise Youth Group. As a designated Beloved Arise Youth Group, we pledge to be an affirming youth group and community that welcomes all youth and explicitly affirms and empowers LGBTQIA+ individuals of faith.

Youth Study: Sundays from 10:40AM-12PM 
(Except on Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of the month)

Youth Sunday School adjourns from the worship service after the sermon is finished and meets in the Lucas Youth Parlor. The group takes a brief break for coffee hour and then returns to continue discussion. Each year youth focus on a combination of contemporary Christian issues and traditional Bible literacy. The youth class designs and leads an entire worship service one Sunday each year. This process helps the youth to understand and integrate knowledge of reformed forms of worship into their theological identity.

Youth Group: Sundays from 5-7PM

LPC Youth Group welcomes all community members who are in 6-12th grade. This family-like group meets for faith, fun and fellowship. Dinner is provided. Youth Group activities have included lock-ins, bowling and baking cookies for shut-ins. Each year they have a summer trip, which rotates between retreat, mission, and Triennium. (The 2024 summer trip will be a Youth Mission Trip.) Youth are encouraged to attend regularly and to bring friends. Youth do not need to be members of LPC to attend the fellowship events. Follow us on Instagram @lpcyouthgroup.

Youth Sunday

The youth lead a worship service once each year in early spring. It is an opportunity for the youth in grades 6-12 to quite literally “take over” worship for the day and offer their message to the congregation. Topics can range from stewardship of the planet, to world hunger, to the life of a disciple, to loving neighbors as ourselves. The youth class designs and leads an entire worship service. This process helps the youth to understand and integrate knowledge of reformed forms of worship into their theological identity. Each year brings something different, but congregants can always count on a meaningful service and a chance to see our teens grow in faith and in leadership.

Christmas Pageant

The annual Christmas Pageant is a wonderful opportunity for the youth and children to worship God with their time and talents. Our talented kids have presented the message of Christ’s birth from a different perspective each year. All children and teens who have a heart to participate are encouraged to join through song, acting or enthusiasm, and work with our Director of Faith Formation and Minister of Music.


Confirmation is offered as needed for youth in grades 6-12. Confirmation is designed to allow youth to explore the deep questions of our faith. By asking questions and learning what it means to be a Reformed Presbyterian, the youth are guided as they decide if they will choose to join the Church and confirm the vows, which were made for them at their baptism. Confirmation explores many topics including:

  • What does it mean to be Presbyterian?
  • Where does Christianity fit in with other world religions or denominations?
  • Can I still be a Christian if I have questions and doubts?